Intensives & Groups

Recovery from Betrayal Trauma Group

Why is this group called B. R. A. V. E.?  

This will be our framework and our goals for the work we do together.

During each group, we will have time for education and processing.  We will also be working through homework assignments and personal goals each week in between sessions. 

Read more about Betrayal Trauma here.  


B - Boundaries 
R - Repairing Trust
A - Attachment work
V - Vulnerability
E - Empowerment


When we experience betrayal trauma from someone we love, it really devastates our sense of self. In this 6 week workshop, we will explore our BOUNDARIES. We will take time to learn about boundaries and KNOW, NAME, and MAINTAIN our own unique boundaries.  

Our ability to trust is significantly altered when we experience this type of crisis. Not only do we struggle to trust others around us, but the most devastating part is that we also start to doubt our ability to trust ourselves. It takes work to REPAIR TRUST both in others and ourselves.

This is where the healing work comes in with ATTACHMENT WORK and strengthening the ability to trust through VULNERABILITY in a group process. We are all in this together. Experiencing the power of others who “get” you and understand what you’re going through is extremely healing.

From here, we work on our EMPOWERMENT. Through trust and vulnerability comes courage. As we develop these abilities and a stronger sense of self, we come full circle to setting healthy boundaries and feeling stronger and more fulfilled in ourselves and the relationships we have around us. 


Group Sessions:

This group will be offered in 6-week sessions and meets weekly for 90 minutes.

At this time, groups will be conducted in person for those who are vaccinated. Online groups may be offered at a later date.

Cost: $599

*A deposit of $200 is required to hold your spot. Groups are limited to 6-8 participants and do fill up quickly.


EMDR Weekend Trauma Intensive

If you have reached out to me, you know that my waitlist to be seen for trauma treatment is significant. This has troubled me. It’s hard for me when I know someone is suffering from trauma and unable to receive the treatment they need.  

I have decided to open up a new offering for weekend trauma intensives, including EMDR therapy. If this is something you believe would be helpful for you, please reach out to me via email and we can discuss how we may be able to customize a weekend trauma intensive to address your difficulties. Learn more about what an EMDR session is like here.

After a thorough assessment, we will discuss what your unique intensive would look like. Typically, the best results come from three consecutive days and three hours each day. 


The weekend intensive schedule is:

Friday: 2-5pm CST*

Saturday: 9am-12pm CST*

Sunday: 9am-12pm CST*

*This process will include some homework, grounding exercises, and self-care assignments, so prepare for some processing work in the hours following our intensive sessions.

Cost: $225/hour


Groups/Workshops based on the work of Brené Brown

I offer two different paths to work through this curriculum developed and trained by Brené Brown. 

  • 6-week group sessions for 90 minutes/week

  • 3-day intensive workshops

These 12 session groups and workshops are offered using the following curriculum:

  1. Gifts of Imperfection

  2. Daring Greatly

  3. Rising Strong

I am available via Zoom or to come into treatment centers, businesses, or any mother’s group, bible study, or any open, curious group of people with a desire for me to facilitate their journey through this work. Please contact me to discuss rates and discounts on these groups/workshops depending upon group size and setting. I love spreading this word and doing this work, so let’s discuss what your hopes and needs are!