How to Get the Most Out of Therapy
No one wants to waste their time and let’s be honest, those session fees can add up quickly. As a therapist, I love seeing clients get better. Some of the turnarounds I have seen are nothing less than inspirational. I consider myself lucky to be able to witness such hard work and amazing transformations. Because I want all of my clients to experience the same type of positive change, I began to wonder…
Why do some clients see such success and others linger without finding the long-lasting
change they hoped for?
There are certain characteristics that the most successful clients have in common. This same level of transformation is possible for you, too! By implementing the following tips, I believe that you can attain faster and better results in therapy.
Four tips to get the most out of your therapeutic experience…

Make your appointments a priority.
If you have ever tried to master a new skill or sport, you know that consistency is key. Frequently canceling and rescheduling appointments will hinder or prevent progress in therapy. The clients who get better the fastest come to every appointment without exception. I once had a client who took the bus and there was a snowstorm so bad that the buses were not running. This client walked in the snow to get to the session. Needless to say, he was one of my greatest success stories. When you make appointments a priority, wonderful things can happen.
Be willing to take risks and try new things.
Just showing up to your first therapy session is courageous. Anytime you learn a new skill, it feels strange and unnatural. In therapy, I am going to teach you skills and techniques that are going to sound weird at first, but with practice, they will feel like second nature and you won’t even think about it. But, what is needed is a willingness to at least try these new skills. Ideal clients show up with curiosity, eagerness to try new things, and follow through with recommendations outside of your comfort zone. As Brene Brown says, “Courage and comfort cannot coexist”. The change that you are seeking may just be right outside of your comfort zone.
Take responsibility for your treatment.
Imagine if you went to a medical doctor’s office and the doctor asked you “What brings you in today?”. If you just shrugged your shoulders you would not get very much out of the appointment, would you? You would leave feeling as if you had not received the care you needed. Therapy is the same. Ideal clients come to sessions prepared to discuss issues that they need to work on. Ideal clients take notes (literally or mentally) in between sessions on improving or worsening symptoms, have clear goals of what they would like to achieve in therapy, and actively work to achieve those goals in each and every session.
Give direct and honest feedback.
The more feedback you provide about what is and isn’t working, the better I can tailor my services to be most effective for you. I never want you to be afraid of hurting my feelings and I value honest feedback from my clients. It allows me to do my job better and for services to be made more effective so you can attain your goals.