I specialize in two types of addictions and I see both types as a way one seeks safety and attempts to decrease intense feelings. We will work together to determine what healthy recovery looks like for you.

Process Addictions
Also referred to as behavioral addictions, process addictions are defined as the compulsion to engage in behaviors despite the impact on one’s health. I’m sure we can all think of things we do that do not enhance our health. However, if you are significantly distressed by a process addiction, we can work together to find a healthy recovery plan.
Common process addictions include: sex, food, love, pornography or gambling. Some of these we cannot live without, such as love or food. So, how do we find “sobriety”?
This is why process addictions can be so complex. Together, we can work through your own unique “3 circles” boundary plan to determine what your recovery will look like.
Chemical Addictions
The use of drugs and/or alcohol can have devastating effects on one’s life. Sometimes, we need to find our way to sobriety. There are many different paths to achieve this goal.
For many, 12 step meetings are what have saved their life. I have extensive experience in working with 12 step programs and can help you move towards your optimal recovery.
For others, 12 step meetings have not resonated with them. I understand this difficulty and am able to help you work towards health by creating a recovery plan that is customized to you.